20 ungdommar frå USA kjem til Norge på USA-utveksling, og me treng vertsfamiliar frå 24. juni til 18. juli.
Kan du og din familie tenkje dykk besøk frå USA, ta kontakt med Turid på 4H-kontoret: turid.herland@4h.no
Les litt om det å vera vertsfamilie.
Her er nokre ord frå Kadin:
Dear Host Family,
I'm so excited to meet you! My name is Kadin Houf. I'm an 18 year old girl. I'm from a small town in Missouri but have big, big dreams! I have five younger siblings, three brothers and two sisters. They are between three and 15 years old. I am a senior in high school. By the time I will meet you I will be completly done with school and preparing for college. My parents homeschool us so we do school differently than other people but we learn all the same things and some extras, according to our interests. I hope to go to a Christian college to study counseling.
In 4-H I do sheep, photography, and sewing as my main projects. I also do scrapbooking and arts & crafts but the first three are my favorite. I love to take pictures of everything, especially people and the amazing landscapes. I marvel in God’s creation everyday. I hope we will get to see some your breathtaking places together!
I love learning about different cultures so hopefully you don’t get annoyed by my questions all the time! I can’t wait to eat with you. I’d like to try all of your family favorites and help cook with you! I also hope we can go to a local market!
I also love singing and playing the piano, guitar, and ukulele! My favorite thing to play is piano, probably because that is the only thing I can play really well. My favorite sport to watch is American football and my favorite team is the Pittsburgh Steelers because my great grandpa was from Pennsylvania. One of my favorite things to watch is the Marvel movies. I think I like Ant-Man or Captain America the best.